USe Cases
Diabetes Management
Diabetes is an epidemic disease that is spreading around very fast. Especially in China, India and the Middle East.
This disease is not one of the top 10 causes of death but it is costing the health system billions of dollars every year and lead to long-term serious health problems in the heart, brain, eyes, kidneys, feet and nerves.
Therefore there is an urgent need to manage this epidemic to avoid following diseases and high cost.
With it is very easy to manage diabetes and can be used by individuals, Doctors, Hospitals and health organizations. Not only the history of the blood glucose values can be checked but also the medical treatment the patient is getting. With the Mentor function medical professionals can
watch over the patients and coach them through their treatment.

Heart Failure
(Early detection of a deadly upcoming new heart attack)
Statistics shows that 80% of the people who had heart attacks die within 5 years after the first one. The main reason is that these patients do not watch over the health.
It is important for these people to watch over their weight and blood pressure. Any large changes in these 2 vital values can indicate a possible upcoming new heart attack.
With this can be avoided in a lot of cases. Having a medical professional watching the values (and getting Alerts from the System) they can inform the patient what to do. They can inform them to go to the next hospital or physician to get more tests. This is done with only a blood pressure monitor and weighting scale. No need for high cost of ECG monitors.
A lot of people young and old suffer from hypertension and should be treated. Such patients get from their doctors in the beginning a 24 blood pressure screening. This is very useful to set up the right treatment.
After that the hypertension should be monitored and see is this treatment is taking good effects.
By using the you can monitor you blood pressure values and also the medication you are taking. This way your medical professional who is watching over you (through the Mentor function) can see whether the treatment is going good or not. He or she can take appropriate measures to adjust the treatment accordingly.

The negative side of the wealth that the world is experiencing is people are moving less and eating unhealthy more and more. This is causing obesity in a lot of Nations not only in the industry countries but also in the emerging countries.
People should be coached to get better control of their weight and make more movements in their lives. A healthy food plan should be a part of this.
With you can track your weight but also your movements. When you use an activity monitor you will find out that you are not moving much. The system will give you a good history of your weight and movement that will motivate you to improve these values. With the help of coaching using the Mentor function of this system have proven to bring better results and health improvement avoiding chronical diseases such as Diabetes.