Keep an overview of your vital data

With you can save and view measured vital data such as blood glucose or bloog pressure values.

Mentor Function - Distance Support by a physician or adviser

With the mentor function of the system your physician or advisor can regularly check you vital data and assist you more individual

Relative Management

Thanks to and an according hLine package you can assist you relative from any distance.

It's a childplay: Easy to integrate and no change of habit for the patient necessary

The system is built up so simply that any person, even without any technical background can use

Telemonitoring made in Germany

Wellness by HMM by HMM is a novel telemonitoring concept, which will improve the situation of patients, doctors and other services sustainably. With a number of smartLAB measurement devices for different areas of interest, wireless data transfer technologies like the hFon collect home, PC or your Smartphone vital data can be measured and transferred to the portal.

Easy to integrate

This kind of telemonitoring concept can easily be integrated into your daily life. After all pre-settings have been done, all processes will work in the background and measured data will automatically be transmitted. You just need to measure your values as usual.

No change in habits

With the help of chronically ill persons can measure their vital data without changing their habits. The data will be collected in the background and transferred automatically and wirelessly to the corresponding portal

Monitoring various chronic diseases

With and the appropriate hLine package, you can control various chronical illnesses. Our hLine packages are designed to monitor a variety of chronic conditions. You can choose from combinations for diabetes, hypertension or heart failure. You also have the choice to decide on the data transmission. Would you prefer using your own Smartphone with the hLine App or are you planning on assisting a relative and require a data transmitter without the need of a smartphone or internet connection in the house. The hLine packages offer what you need.

hLine Control Systems

hLine control systems for monitoring chronic diseases in one’s own home. Depending on the illness, the appropriate package can be selected. We offer packages in the field of diabetes, hypertension and heart failure. Various solutions are offered. When it comes to caring for a relative, it is advisable to choose a package in which a data transmitter is used. If you want to use the package for yourself and have a smartphone, the data transfer can be done via the hLine app and a data transmitter is not necessary. Do You Have Questions? Feel free to contact us directly:

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